The Coles Road Property was purchased in 2003 and annexed into the City of Langley in 2005 for development of single family lots on approximately 40 acres. Since that time, the City has encouraged the exploration of a new innovative mixed-use development for the property that would be more in alignment with both the City’s values and the State’s Growth Management Act. Local architect, Ross Chapin, is currently developing a new plan for the property with increased density and an area of institutional use for a possible school and demonstration area focused on green construction, recreation and creative artistry all of which speak to the rich culture of Langley’s community.
By offering a variety of housing types at affordable price points, and other onsite amenities, the Property will be a vibrant neighborhood for Langley. The process for approval of a new plan for the Property is underway with the City who is currently rewriting their Land Use Code. The approval of the new code will provide the zoning and land use code necessary to approve the new mixed use plan for the Property. Upon approval of the City Zoning a new application for the property will be submitted with approval anticipated in 2015.